2022 CoSA Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN
Look for us in Nashville! Pat Michael and I, representing the AXAEM team at APPX Software, will be attending the CoSA annual meeting in Nashville September 25-28, 2022.
APPX Software is a Sustainer level Sponsor of the CoSA organization. The CoSA breakfast on Monday morning will be sponsored by the AXAEM team from APPX Software.
We are looking forward to seeing our many customers and friends at the meeting and hope to introduce ourselves and AXAEM to those of you who may be attending a CoSA annual meeting for the first time.
APPX Software, Inc. develops and installs the AXAEM software system, a comprehensive, fully integrated solution specifically designed to meet the unique requirements of state and county archives.
We will be announcing a couple of significant new software products for state archives at the meeting.
See you soon,
Steve Frizzell
AXAEM Webinar with CoSA
APPX Software would like to thank CoSA for inviting us to present a "Shop Talk" webinar on Managing Archival Holdings with AXAEM. This webinar is available at All CoSA webinars can be found at, including prior webinars from APPX Software.
AXAEM at the 2019 CoSA Annual Meeting
I'd like to extend a special thanks to all those who dropped by the Hospitality Suite at the 2019 CoSA Annual Meeting, and to all those who attended the CoSA breakfast, both sponsored by APPX Software. We thoroughly enjoyed spending time with all those who took time out of their very busy schedules to share their experiences as archivists, and look forward to continuing those conversations in the future.